Join Amanda for Spirit Songs LIVE! (via ZOOM)
7:30pm EST on Wed, July 15th
For this engaging Zoom experience, we will sing and reflect together. Entitled “We are ONE”, this Spirit Songs edition will include readings from scriptures of many faiths and songs that lift up our sense of unity and ONE-ness.
Spirit Songs LIVE is open to the Disciples Church Community, where Amanda serves as music director, and far, far beyond! All means ALL are welcome! :) Please share the link with friends who might enjoy this connective session.
Attend Spirit Songs Live with a willing voice and open heart. See you there!
Amanda Powell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Spirit Songs Live
Time: Jul 15, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 867 8079 5918
Password: Spirit
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