This series is for people who say things like “I’ve always wanted to learn about singing,” or “I really want to know more about how to use my voice.” Together in Zoom format we will explore the basics of the voice—from the physical and technical aspects of singing, to how and why the voice can emotionally reach us in deep and profound ways. We will vocalize, learn songs, sing “together” and have a joyous time!
4 weeks on a weeknight evening TBD at 7pm EST
Next session:
Mondays, March 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2021 at 7pm EST
$120 includes 4 sessions plus personal feedback
Caps at 10 participants
For more information on scheduling, contact Amanda
What Participants Are Saying
“Just every thing has taken me to another level of singing... Before, I never appreciated how to get rid of tension when singing ... and I did not know why I was failing to breathe properly when singing. I did not know how to connect the breath and express well in singing in order to tell the story... So now I understand all of these things better after going through the Voice101 program with Amanda Powell”
“The breathing and warm up exercises were helpful and effective. Amanda has a way of disarming people by demonstrating the techniques herself. It helps when she says things like. “this might feel funny”, or “this might sound funny”. It really helps me get over it, and just do the exercises.”